About Palace Jewellery
Inspiration & Design
Superb Craftsmanship
PALACE is the permutation of elegance and effortlessness.
Our distinctive style allows us to bring a unique and creative approach to designing pieces. Craftsmanship and originality are at the forefront of our design ethos, with all pieces handcrafted to stand the test of time. We believe jewellery should be laced with thought and sentiment; qualities which will continue through the generations, with the passing on of precious heirlooms.
Our designs combine minimal styling with traditional detailing and embellishments – a unification of our jewellers’ own design visions – which results in an aesthetic that speaks its own distinctive language.
PALACE was born out of a passion for the craft, and at the core of what we do is a dedication to traditional, superior craftsmanship; a focus on high-quality materials; and a commitment to our own unique style.
Micro Inlay Technology
PALACE Jewellery achieves a delicate and smooth diamond micro-set through the use of advanced micro inlay technology. Through delicate and precise handling, this modern method creates unique beauty on the surface of all PALACE Jewellery designs.
Claw Mounted Technology
Claw-mounted technology ensures each design is secure in its gold or platinum structure. PALACE’s use of claw-mounted technology allows the claws to bend gracefully around the gemstones to enhance the visibility of each beautiful stone.
Semi Package Technology
PALACE Jewellery’s unique and innovative half mosaic method is a clever fusion of sophistication and elegance. With the independent claw vaguely visible, coupled with beautiful lines to create the package inlaid metal, our designs ensure PALACE gemstone’s lustre exudes personality and grace.